
Anna Paola Protasio has a degree in Architecture, and after working for 20 years she saw her work turning increasingly into the Visual Art field.

According to art critic and curator Marisa Florido Cesar, Anna Paola shows in her work the constructive heritage of art. However, continues Marisa, “the artist introduces abstraction and rigor of geometry, sensitive elements that come to disturb the rigidity of the structures and the will of order and universality of building tradition. Many of her works are erected with everyday objects looted and emptied of its utilitarian function. Moved to the art world, such repeated and restructured objects (like ladders and cones) or unit (like knitting cones), gigantic or tiny, heavy or fragile, make up a visual poetic repertoire of dreams and pain, fictions and memories, loneliness and fears. These structures finally reveal the unbearable lightness of days andbeings through the structural calculation and unexpected affections. ”
The curator and professor Cesar Kiraly tells us that Protasio is attracted to issues that we consider to be of the greatest magnitude. The apparent dispersion of her work, is felt only by those who do not recognize, the capacity of contemporary art to face the most important doubts. If many artists are comfortable with the repetition of a single theme, or with small changes, in order to escape the tension caused by the unknown, this does not occur in her research. Not only does she insists on the most radical searches for material, and in a wide range of formats, such as never asking questions for which the answers are already known.

 +55 21 99987 1888
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Flock”, United States – Brazil Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Soul”, Gaby Indio da Costa Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“The Fractured Instant”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, USA

“Trawl”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York,USA

“Unsustainable Lightness”, MuBE (Brazilian Museum of Sculpture), São Paulo, Brazil

 “O Tempo Saqueado”, Galeria Athena Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

“The Fractured Instant”, Cultural Center of the Post Office, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“Threads, Wires and Forms”, National Museum of Fine Arts, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Ascension”, SESC (Social Service of Commerce) Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil
“Ascension”, SESC (Social Service of Commerce) São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo

“Ascension”, SESC (Social Service of Commerce) São José dos Campos, São Paulo
“Ascension and Labyrinth”, House France Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Labyrinth”, SESC (Social Service of Commerce), Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

6th Edition Arte Formatto Fair, São Paulo

“Polar Opposites: Julie Hedrick and Anna Paola Protasio”, Nohra Haime Gallery, NewYork, USA
“Trio Bienal – Bienal Tridimensional, Jardim Botanico e Cidades das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“New Place, New Space”, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, USA

“Couleur Matiere”, Galerie Espace_L, Geneve, Suisse
“Objetus”, NH Galeria, Cartagena das Indias, Colombia

“Escultura”, NH Galeria, Cartagena das Indias, Colombia

“Somatório Singular”, Galeria Murilo Castro, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Contemporary Art Salon of Foreign Ministry- Itamaraty, Brasilia, Brazil

“The New Brazilian Sculpture”, Caixa Cultural, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

27th Annual Arts Hall Embu das Artes, Brazil

III Salão de Arte Contemporânea Brasileira – Conjunto Cultural da Caixa Econômica Federal – São Paulo, Brasil

WinnerContemporary Art Salon – United States Brazil Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Winner, Contemporary Art Salon of Foreign Ministry- Itamaraty, Brasilia, Brazil

Winner, Florence- Shanghai Prize Sculpture and Installation, Shanghai, China

Third Place in Other Languages (installation, video, photography and performance), 27th Annual Arts Hall Embu das Artes, Brazil

Degree in Architecture and Urbanism – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil